What is Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment. The elements of the natural surroundings are augmented or enhanced using technology. Computer generated sensory inputs such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data are used for enhancing one’s current perception of reality.

Virtual reality (VR), on the other hand, replaces the real world elements with a simulated version using cutting edge technology. The surroundings are not enhanced but replaced to emulate the feeling of the popularly labeled “suspended disbelief” – feeling of a concrete existence without actual existence.

The concepts of Augmented and Virtual Realities are related to the general concept of Mediated reality. In this concept, a view of reality is modified or even diminished by a computer.

Examples of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Autodesk showcase, Google glass, Sports Scores on television, 3D Retail Catalogues- all are examples of Augmented and Virtual Reality. Augmentation is conventionally in real-time and in semantic context with environmental elements.

How Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality works?

Computer vision and object recognition algorithms form the heart of Augmented Reality Technology. Such cutting edge AR techniques enhance the information about the surrounding real world of the user to make it interactive and digitally manipulative. The artificial information about the environment and its objects is overlaid on the real world.

Development of Augmented and Virtual Reality

The concept of Augmented and Virtual Reality has fascinated generations. “World as you see it” is now influenced by what you show! A forum for businesses to enhance the natural world with their vision- cutting edge augmented reality technology today has blurred the line of distinction between real world and virtual reality.

Augmented reality stemmed from the evolution of video games. With the smartphone revolution in the mobile industry and increasing consumption of content and services, the augmented reality industry has taken a new dimension. Tablets, smartphones and the likes of phablets will now drive its development further into the lives of the masses.

Impact of Augmented and Virtual Reality across Industries

Real estate, gaming, education, sports, architecture, movies, interior designs, medical, retail, hospitality, shipping, tourism, advertising , information technology and more- AR and VR solutions find applications across all these industries.

AR/VR brings multiple dimensions to gaming making the experience more real and exciting. In retail, it elevates customer emotions through interactive solutions for product communication and brand recognition. AR/VR solutions help businesses put their vision forth their customers and shape their dreams into visible forms. Developers are increasingly creating immersive augmented/virtual reality experience using efficient and modern technology. Cheap and advanced hardware forms the backbone of this system.

Types of Augmented Reality Applications

Real Estate projects and architectures use AR solutions to deliver the experience of their project vision to prospective customers. The power of imagination coupled with smart technology driven hardware brings their dreams to life. Similarly, in retail, marketers interact with their customers to capture their emotional mindshare and establish their positions.

Location based/Maps

Augmented reality powers geo-location and geo-spatial mapping by overlaying points of interest in the map with additional data like pictures, reviews, ratings, social media information and many other useful facilities. Other suggestions and local information like nearby parking spots, restaurants, hospitals, traffic etc. make the experience more intuitive and pleasant for the users.

Image Recognition

QR codes are the best testimonials to the magic of augmented reality coupled with image recognition. This facilitates faster, convenient and better user experience. Supported with necessary hardware, AR Solutions in QR codes activate printed materials, like magazines, newspapers and other printed products to provide valuable information. Simple pictures instead of keyboard inputs trigger digital content experiences that are customized to match specific needs.


Modified sound, 3D add-ons, haptic feedback, and advanced AR/VR solutions create a magical experience like never before and take the gaming experience to a completely new level.

AR/ VR Applications
Hosted Augmented Reality

AR/VR Solutions need to have server support. These servers respond immediately to any image and object scanned in real-time. At Elevate Foster Solutions India, we use state-of-art technology to ensure that our servers are fast and available without downtime- all this to ensure that the user does not miss out on any information corresponding to the scanned/viewed product or object.

Augmented Reality Apps Features

At Elevate Foster Solutions India, our creative geniuses turn AR projects into amazing workshops. Augmented 2-D and 3-D effects, videos in 3-D space, map navigation, branding creativity, social sharing, mobile integration, animation, custom AR effects, AR hosting and E-commerce integration are added to Android/iOS apps for developing customer centric solutions.

Toolkits for Augmented Reality

A skilled team of developers at Elevate Foster Solutions India work across SDKs like Vuforia, Layar, ARToolKit, NyARToolkit, LinceoVR, HandyAR, FLARToolKit, AR-media, Google plugins, SketchUp, Junaio and Wikitude. They combine their expertise with creativity to spell reality and interaction into the gaming experience.

At Elevate Foster Solutions, we believe in understanding organizations and their visions. Our AR/VR solutions are tailormade to help our clients breathe lives into their dreams and present their ideas to the world in the most appealing and attractive fashion possible.

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