With businesses laying hands on the rising growth opportunities, especially leveraging online channels, they are focusing on developing attractive enterprise applications. This is fueled by advanced technology and a talented pool of developers and managers. From more function rich browsers, advanced tool kits for developers to front end tools for ready application deployment, the gap has reduced across years with advent of advanced platforms.
Front End development services from Elevate Foster Solutions India focus on delivering fast, secure and appealing web and mobile applications which can entice customers with its visually appealing and responsive design and rich features. Good User experience design is our forte.
We specialize in delivering user experience consulting services, UX Strategy development, Product conceptualization, Mockups & Prototypes, assessment and improvements in usability along with testing & analysis and services user experience.
At Elevate Foster Solutions India , our front end development services deliver the following benefits:
- Easy Development We can test number of more designs fast and easy and make wise user interface design decisions without external dependencies. Our developers check the code simultaneously while the design process is being executed.
- Simplified architecture – Ready to use functions and predefined libraries on platforms help manage heavy web applications that contain number of components and complex requirements easy.
- Low Turnaround time – Our advanced platforms take less time to code. New web applications can be developed with less effort in a matter of minutes.
- Enhanced development efficiency – We are pioneers in developing light applications with less number of lines of code. This also enables developers to focus more on the efficiency of the application instead of writing just codes.
To deliver such benefits, Elevate Foster Solutions India uses the best and most advanced platforms. Our talented pool of developers has in depth expertise and experience of working on live projects involving these advanced frameworks. Our portfolio of services in front end development is spread across the following platforms:
AngularJS DevelopmentAngularJS is a powerful JavaScript framework which helps in development of exceptional user interfaces. With the help of declarative programming, software components can be written easily to build powerful yet complex client-facing web applications. The end applications are light, powerful and rich in functions; they eliminate the need to refresh the complete webpage for accessing updated content. This leads to superior user experience – all powered with AJAX at the backbone.. AJAX also supports frameworks like Ember.js, backbone.js and knockout.js . This helps developers in manipulating DOM and loading its data to replace one view with another to deliver seamless navigation among different views to end users. At Elevate Foster Solutions India , we are experts in Front End Development Services on AngularJS.
BackboneJS DevelopmentBackbone.js is a frontend development tool designed for developing single page, light weighted web applications easily. Backbone.js helps in defining structure for web applications. Powered by models, key-value binding and customized events along with a repository of rich API functions, backbone.js streamlines web application development process. It also enables views with declarative event handling while connecting all existing APIs over a REST full JSON interface. At Elevate Foster Solutions India , we are experts in delivering projects powered with BackboneJS.
Bootstrap DevelopmentBootstrap is a highly reliable HTML, CSS, and JavaScript front-end framework for developing fast, responsive and intuitive web applications. . CSS and HTML support helps in typography, grids, forms, buttons, navigation and tables along with custom-built jQuery plug-ins and support for responsive layouts. Bootstrap is offered as an open source technology platform from the leading social networking company Twitter and stands as a popular framework providing swift, mobile compatible features. Application developed using Bootstrap is mobile agnostic and hence, provides enhanced user experience in accessing websites and applications. Innumerable reusable components for navigation, pagination, labels, alerts etc. help in rapid development of an effective and appealing web application. At Elevate Foster Solutions India , we have proven expertise in successfully delivery Bootstrap based projects.
EmberJS DevelopmentEmber.js is an advanced, open source JavaScript/HTML5 web application framework delivering rich, single page front end web applications with desktop like design and user experience. EmberJS had sprung out from the JavaScript Model View Controller framework called SproutCore. It has been designed and developed by Yehuda Katz, Tom dale and ember community contributors. Ember.js supports scale and rich features like two way data binding, automatically updated templates using Handlerbar.js, common idioms and router to manage application state. At Elevate Foster Solutions, we are experts in developing frontend solutions on EmberJS.
PolymerJS DevelopmentPolymer refers to a library for creating responsive web components using HTML elements. It is not a framework but a basic library developed to accelerate web application development process. With the help of its powerful web platform called web components, it makes chunks of codes readily available to the developer fraternity. Web Components bring system design, interoperability, and consumption to the web platform and allows easy creation of rich, powerful and reusable components. At Elevate Foster Solutions India , we have demonstrated expertise in delivering innovative projects developed on PolymerJS for years.
Reactjs DevelopmentElevate Foster Solutions is foremost providers of Reactjs development services in India, with clients is 40+ nations we are a go to company for frontend development solutions.
Vuejs DevelopmentElevate Foster Solutions is a leading Vue JS development service provider offering comprehensive view attribute of the MVC architecture. The developers at Elevate Foster Solutions are well versed with the new technology and can help you build comprehensive web interfaces.
Comments (01)
Clayton roy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidu astana glory makes one of duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum do the best and makes more tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Nov 02, 2020, 12:10 PM