Penetration of the handheld devices, sophisticated technology, development in sensor architecture and increased use of the internet has lent roots to a new chapter in the history of human evolution- Internet of Things. This phenomenon is predicted to grow to 50 billion devices in the future. It is also predicted that it will have 5 – 10 times the impact on society compared with the Internet alone.
What is Internet of Things?
Technology is increasingly driving humans and our lives. Communication has become an integral part with everything is coming together in this highly connected world. Add sensors to devices and entities and we have a completely new world- more intelligent and more sophisticated, and definitely more capable!
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated smart entities- be it devices with computing capabilities, objects or living beings. These entities are powered with intelligent sensors and internet to read, record and transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction, making lives simpler.
In short- anything that has an embedded sensor that measures and transmits its detailed status over a network is a part of the IoT ecosystem. Each entity in the IoT ecosystem has an assigned IP address. Sophisticated analytics and advanced algorithms make IoT even more powerful- bringing the future of the next generation to life! The IoT is expected to create a smarter planet where energy efficiency is greater, appliances are smarter, and the overall life is better.
With increased focus on IoT all over the globe, the scale of IoT devices and their associated IoT device applications is bound to grow at an unmatched pace. However, this will also bring along major challenges for the entire IoT ecosystem.
In the IoT ecosystem, device firmware along with the powering software plays a significant part in determining the performance levels. There is an element of risk involved with no backup due to absence of human intervention and a solid backbone as well.
At Elevate Foster Solutions, we have extensive experience in delivering efficient internet of things services. Our domain expertise and experience in critical machine-to-machine (M2M) communication across multiple industries like healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, retail, utilities, etc make us pioneers in this domain. We work with the leading clientele in the country to connect machines and devices to IoT platforms and develop solutions to convert the data collected into information and analytics. Our IoT Solutions are based on cutting edge technology platforms like to AWS IoT M2X, Jasper Control Center, Azure IoT Suite, Oracle IoT Cloud, ThingWorx IoT, Salesforce IoT Cloud and SAP HANA Cloud Platform for IoT.
Our IoT Services
At Elevate Foster Solutions, we provide IoT services which include requirements assessment, process modelling, platform architecture design, system integration with CRM, ERP or other systems, testing and support. Our IoT services include
- Requirements Analysis
- Design & Solution Engineering
- Proof of Concept (PoC)
- Solution Design
- Development for Internet of Things
- Platform Identification
- Platform Evaluation
- Solution Architecture
Across IoT Development & System Integration, we deliver expertise in
- Mobile and Web Application Development
- System Integration with CMS, CRM, ERP and other Applications
- Email & SMS intergration
- Testing & Verification
Other services include Support for IoT Applications / Systems and Managed Services
Come, partner with us and experience the change with the latest IoT based solutions!
Comments (01)
Clayton roy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidu astana glory makes one of duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum do the best and makes more tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Nov 02, 2020, 12:10 PM