At Elevate Foster Solutions, we design user experiences to convert visitors to customers and convey your brand story!
Customer expectations are on the rise. With explosion in types of offerings and a number of suppliers offering same products and services, attention span of buyers is reducing drastically. Even the Goldfish has a greater attention span than humans!
It is important to grab eyeballs of the visitors to your website/products/services and keep them engaged as they navigate across your website/product/service. Every aspect from content, images, placement, and structure matters. Not only is the visual impact necessary, but the primary intention needs to be fulfilled- getting the information you want.
This is where a great user experience design comes into the picture. User experience design acts as a gateway between users and your services and products and helps you convert visitors to customers.
What is UX Design?
UX stands for User Experience. UX design refers to the quality of experience a person has when interacting with a specific design. Hence, it is a human-centric process defining the what, when, where, why, how, and who of a product. This experience can range from a special artifact to larger experiences like a movie, visit to a museum etc.
In Information technology industry, UX design refers to the planned integration of software design, business and psychology concerns.
It has the following three important components:
- Usability This refers to the functionality and the extent to which the visitor’s needs are fulfilled by the website/product/service.
- Information Architecture (IA) This refers to the structural design of information space- the combination of labels and navigation schemes with the right content placement. This is essential for easy access to the right content. It involves a mix of context, content, and users.
- User Interface (UI) This refers to the look and feel of the website/product/service. This is essential to convey your brand story and grab visitor attention
What UX design means to businesses?
UX design makes the website easy to use, leading to higher conversion rates and more up-sell and cross-sell opportunities. The costs of support and services are reduced leading to higher ROI.
UX design is important for establishing a brand perception and improving tolerance of business goals vis-à-vis personal goals. Reduced project costs and timescales and increased revenue lead to higher profits.
UX design should be usable, useful, valuable, findable, credible, desirable and accessible. The process can be broadly divided into 5 stages:
- Mapping user needs and site objectives This defines the Strategy of the website
- Gathering functional specifications and content requirements This defines the scope the website
- Facilitating Information architecture and Interaction design This defines the structure of the website
- Developing Interface and navigation design This defines the skeleton of the website
- Creating Visual design This defines the surface of the website
Tools for UX design
The service design industry works with a set of tools to create service prototypes to give you the feel of what you can expect. This includes building scenarios, storytelling, storyboards, and real-world experience simulations. Our team uses a number of tools like wireframes, Concept maps, Card sorting, content inventory, user and task flow charts, sitemaps, user tests etc. to make sure that the visitor experience is smooth, consistent and memorable. All this just to ensure that you don’t miss out on any customer!
Benefits of UX design
User experience design brings along a lot of benefits with itself for all- product, process, customer, and user. You can derive the below benefits from UX design:
- It mitigates the risk of the visitors being able to or not being able to use the website
- It ensures that no useful features are left out
- It reduces unnecessary costs on feature development which users don’t want or find useful
- It reduces training and support costs
UX design at Elevate Foster Solutions
At Elevate Foster Solutions, we provide services in web and mobile design, development, user interface design and usability testing. We increase conversions, add value and most importantly we make your users happy and loyal!
Best practices across a variety of fields like usability, information architecture, visual design, and interaction design are taken into consideration to create excellent user interfaces. Our interfaces are both pleasurable for users and give you a competitive advantage. We have a team of professional information architects who are masters at organizing information into logical structures that make sense specifically to your users. They come with years of experience in information science, psychology, and business, among other areas. These skills are quite separate from the core skills that visual designers and developers usually have. We also have a team of visual designers who design and create websites and web apps, mobile and tablet apps, corporate identities and icons.
Put together, we have experts across each stage of user experience design. Cascaded together we deliver delightful and memorable user experiences like never before. Partner with us to experience it yourself!
Comments (01)
Clayton roy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidu astana glory makes one of duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum do the best and makes more tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Nov 02, 2020, 12:10 PM